Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I got to hear a teaching today from Gene Lakey one of the Associate Campus Pastor's. He spoke from Luke 19 on the story of Zacchaeus. It's a story we all know if we grew up on the Bible, but it was explained in such a way today that it opened a new perspective for me. For many people, the greatest need in life is love and/or grace. People desire to be accepted and to know that they have worth. The lie that many people accept is that as long as you look good, you matter; or as long as I achieve this or that, I'll be valuable. Many people find an identity in the guy or girl they are dating, their accomplishments, and many other things...all things that will eventually fade. The sad fact is, is that records and stats are broken, stuff breaks and wears out, money doesn't buy you happiness, and past accomplishments are outdone. Because your identity is found in earthly things, you begin to feel unvalued and depression, anxiety, loneliness, and unfulfillment kick in and destroy you from the inside out. Our value and self-worth is based on what God thinks, on how He sees us. There are some things you need to understand about Zacchaeus...

In the Bible it says that he was small in stature. Now this word in the Greek literally translates "the body of an undeveloped child." Talk about someone who probably had a low self esteem. He was probably teased and picked on his entire life and on top of that he was a tax collector. Tax collectors were considered worse than 'sinners' because they often times cheated people out of money and were very deceiving people. The Pharisee's even ask Jesus why He ate with sinners and tax collectors. They were despised by everyone. Zacchaeus was hated! However, in this chapter we learn that Zacchaeus finds his identity in Christ and his life is changed forever. He learned that God loves him just the way he was. God sees our potential and wants us to find our identity in Him. No matter how insignificant you feel, Jesus notices you. Before you were your parents idea, you were God's idea. God knows exactly where you are in your life situations and meets you where you are. There has never been a moment when God's taken His eyes off of you. No matter what people say about you, Jesus will affirm you. No matter what you've done in your past, Jesus wants you! That's the point of His grace. He forgave you and sacrificed for you. God is far more interested in changing you than condemning you. Our identity is found in Christ and through that we are able to love people how they are meant to be loved. You just have to let go and let Him, put your identity in Him, and redefine your purpose in life.

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