Friday, February 3, 2012

The Storm

I came across an interesting fact the other day. In Matthew 14:22-36 is the story of Jesus walking on the water. He had just fed 5,000 plus people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Then it says that Jesus told his disciples to go by boat to the other side while he went up the mountain to pray. The wind was against the disciples so they were battling the high seas all night. They were about 3 or 4 miles off the shore when Jesus decided to walk on water. When the disciples noticed Him, it says they were terrified and cried out or shook in fear. Have you ever been so scared in your circumstances that you shook with fear? Immediately Jesus said to them, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Peter then wants proof, so Jesus gives him one word, "come". Just one word! Not a sentence, not a promise, not assurance that Jesus would hold him up. Think about many times has God asked you to obey Him with one word? How many times do we ask for a sign or assurance or details? God only wants you to obey, even if it's one word!

The interesting fact I wanted to show however comes after this scene. Starting in verse 33 after they climb into the boat and Jesus calms the wind it says, "Then those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying 'Truly you are the Son of God'." This is the first time recorded in the Bible that the disciples worshiped Jesus and it wasn't until they had been through a 'storm'. Storms are designed to grow our faith. Take courage, don't be afraid. God is with you and will bring you through this storm in your life. Listen to Him, obey His commands, and praise His name for He is worthy! Trials change hearts, and your breakthrough is just around the corner.

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