Friday, November 11, 2011


Sin is tricky. If it wasn't 'fun', many of us would not struggle with it. When we sin, we do the complete opposite of what God wants in our lives. Satan will tell you in the middle of your sin that it's not a big deal, but then after you sin, he tells you it's the biggest deal in the world. Rick Warren puts it simply, "Behind every sin you commit is a lie you've believed."

Many people will tell you that guilt is wrong. It is, but like pain to the body, it tells you that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. God's judgment occurs after the hardening of my own heart that allows me to keep doing the things that push me away from Him. Just read Romans 1. Three times God "hands them over" to their sins. We mistake natural disasters and other catastrophes as God's judgment on the world when actually God's judgment is allowing us to live in the sin that separates us from Him. Since God died on the cross for our sins, we are forgiven, but that does not mean we can and should keep on sinning. Turn from it and sin no more (Romans 6:1)! We need to be sorrowful over our sins and pray for soft hearts.

The most powerful sin is the one we have not confessed. It really doesn't matter if you are effective for God or not if you are disconnected from Him. We repent because we love God, we turn from our sinful ways because we honor Him. The devil wants to keep you in the guilt zone, keep you trapped from pushing through. Do not let your sin keep you from your relationship with God and keep you from doing what He wants to do through you...let it go!

Romans 12:21 says to not be overcome by evil but to overcome evil with good. "Good" happens when we change our mind and direction; when we transform our thoughts to those that honor God. Take a look at Psalm 51. It is David's prayer after he had fallen into sin with Bathsheba. He is repenting and uses some powerful words in the ESV. Verse 7 he uses the word 'purge', verse 10 the word 'create', verse 12 the word 'restore' and verse 14 the word 'deliver'. Those words alone will preach. We must purge ourselves from sin, cleanse ourselves with the blood of Jesus, allow Him to create a pure heart within us, and let God restore the joy we find in Him. Deliverance starts with repentance. We must humble ourselves before the throne of God, thanking God for His forgiveness and grace and seeking Him with our lives.

Do not wait to get caught in sin, repent now because of the convicting truth of God's Word. God's goal in repentance isn't to beat you to death but to raise you in life. Don't fear, just believe...and lay it at the feet of Jesus

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