Friday, November 25, 2011


It is the season of thanks and there is nothing better than to give to those who are in need. We all have many things we can be thankful for. Generosity is one of those things that prove it. That has a lot to do with thanksgiving. You can tell how thankful a person is based off how generous they are with their time and money. It's not about a distant act of charity, it's about a personal act of love. Tim Sanders says, "The grow up moment in your life is when you understand the importance of serving."

Many of us are very blessed. But I have found that the more I bless others, the more blessed I am. (Bless To Be Blessed). Luke 12:34 says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Each day we have an opportunity to see the greatness of God and often times we miss it because we are too busy, distracted, or not looking in the right places. Each day plays a part in the purpose of the life that God wants you to live. Each day you have the opportunity to help others, either with your time or finances. I wonder how many opportunities I miss each day to share the love of Christ?

Choose to be different! Choose to spend your time showing others the love of Christ, even if you're the only one doing it. Choose to be grateful, accountable, and give. Choose to be generous.

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