Many people refuse to believe in God because of the unjust suffering that happens throughout the world. They wonder why God can allow such evil. However, just because one may abandon the belief in God doesn't make the problem of evil go away. In fact, a belief in God doesn't take away suffering and painful experiences but it provides a way to face them. Belief in God gives one hope and courage to endure because our loving God already experienced suffering and pain like none of us ever will. Timothy Keller puts it this way, "God takes our misery and suffering so seriously that he was willing to take it on himself...if we embrace the Christian teaching that Jesus is God and that he went to the Cross, then we have deep consolation and strength to face the brutal realities of life on earth. We can know that God is truly Immanuel-God with us-even in our worst sufferings."
Often times I hear arguments such as, "How can a loving God send people to hell? or Why do bad things happen to good people?" These questions need to change to "How can a just God send people to heaven? and Why did the worst thing happen to the best person?"
We have all these questions for God, yet we don't even look in the mirror to see how we can be making a better difference in the world. Francis Chan asks, "Can you worship a God who isn't obligated to explain His actions to you? Could it be your arrogance that makes you think God owes you an explanation?" That is some pretty deep stuff to think about. My life is not about me at all, in fact, it is all about God and how I can be giving Him the glory in every circumstance. We are not in control...God is, and if we had all the answers to life and were in control, we wouldn't need God's help or seek Him and rely on His great might. That is why we must seek God. That is why I am thankful for the unknown, because it forces me to trust God. But we have His amazing promise in Psalm 9:10, "Those who know your name will trust in you. For you, O Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you." I love God, therefore I will naturally run to Him in everything, not because I feel like I need too or because I feel guilty when I don't. When you truly understand love, you make time for God because you understand how much He loves us. You want to grow and make a difference because His love is life changing. You share Jesus freely with others because our love for Him is so large. We are here to give hope to a broken world through what Jesus did on the cross. You understand what it means to truly live life for God. Chan concludes chapter 3 in "Crazy Love" by saying, "Our love for Him always comes out of His love for us. Do you love this God who is everything, or do you just love everything He gives you? Do you really know and believe that God loves you, individually and personally and intimately? Do you see and know Him as Abba, Father?"
It is impossible to know what love is until you experience it from the One who created it! 1 John 3:16 says, "This is how we know what love is. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." That would make love a sacrifice...a sacrifice of personal preference or "rights" to meet the needs of someone else. Love relationships involve mutual, unselfish service, and a mutual loss of independence to attain greater intimacy. In our relationship with God, love was first given to us. He adjusted to us in His incarnation and atonement. He sent His only Son to sacrifice His own life so that we may be saved through Him. It's not about giving up your freedom, rather it's finding your freedom in Christ. John 14:15 says if you love God you will keep His commandments. The choices you make in life determines the person you become. The awesome thing is that we all can make a difference for Christ and start making choices that impact the Kingdom of God if we will only pick up our own cross. The choice is yours...
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