Monday, July 25, 2011

Completion Date vs. Release Date

Pastor Furtick used this illustration in a sermon when talking about anxiety and worrying last weekend but I was fortunate to hear it first in his office a couple weeks back with some interns. I have been processing a lot of it and after talking with so many students about the future and the 'unknown', I think it is a topic that most people grapple with. Why do we worry? We have faith, but why do we still doubt? We have seen God deliver multiple times in our past but we still are anxious for the future...Worry is an extremely negative thing. Corrie Ten Boom says, "Worry doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." Francis Chan expresses the unknown as a great thing. We are to be thankful for the unknowns because it forces us to run to God and trust Him. If God gave us all the details of our lives and told us everything we needed to know, we wouldn't need to seek after Him and rely on His fact, we wouldn't need faith. If we knew all the answers, we would trust in the plan and not in God.

Matthew 6 gives us confidence that Christ will always provide. Philippians 4 calls us to rejoice always and not to be anxious but instead seek God through prayer and praise for the countless blessings He has already given us. Verse 19 in Philippians 4 says that God will supply all our needs according to His riches. 2 Corinthians 4:18 tells us to focus on things that are not seen because things that are seen, are temporary, and things that are not seen, are eternal. There are many other biblical principles as to why we should just trust God and not worry because God is in control. The reality is, you just have to believe. You have to train your mind and heart to trust God because He is always faithful.

In life, there is a completion date and a release date. You see this most often with musical artists or authors. If you have ever been on the inside of the production of a movie, cd, or book, you know that the finished product is done way before it is officially released. This gap in time is the difference between the completion date and the release date. The finished product has already been just hasn't been released yet. That illustration is the perfect picture of our lives. God has already completed your story...He already knows what you are going to go through. He has already set you up for success. God already completed the finished product and He knows when to release things into our lives. He has the right job for us, that position just might not be open yet. He has the perfect person for you, you just might not be ready to receive them. Just because we haven't seen the answer yet, does not mean God hasn't met the need. He will deliver everything we need but it will happen in His perfect timing...on His release date. But do not be mistaken, it is already completed. Tomorrows history has already been written...

Be God's man or woman in EVERY situation and EVERY season of your life.

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