Thursday, March 28, 2013

I'm No Orphan Anymore

It's heartbreaking to watch some students chase after things that don't really matter. They get wrapped up in their looks, grades, sports, who they date, where they work, and who they hang out with. As they get older, they continue to find their worth in what they do rather than who God says they are. As I talk with Christians and listen to the words they use to describe themselves, I'd be curious to find out how many actually believe that they are children of God. Pause and think about that for a moment. If you are in Christ, you are actually a child of God, a son or daughter of the Creator of the universe (1 John 3:2, Galatians 3:26).

There is a song called "All He says I am" by Gateway Worship and the lyrics to the bridge says, "Chains are broken, scales are on the floor, truth is spoken, I'm no orphan anymore." The truth spoken to us through the Word of God breaks chains of sin and bondage and when we realize that we are children of God, we realize our identity...that we're not orphans anymore spiritually. Christ calls us His own. Now that is something to be encouraged about! That is something to celebrate!

I was really challenged by a thought last week from Reggi, our Worship Pastor. He said, "Rather than think about who I am in Christ, we should think more about who Christ is in me." When we think about who we are in Christ, the thought is still revolved around us. Our strengths. Our weaknesses. The things we've done and want to do. When we shift that thought to think about who Christ is and then realize that He actually lives IN us, it changes the game. Christ calls us sons and daughters. Christ calls us righteous. Christ calls us worthy. Christ calls us good. Why? Because if He is IN us and if He is those things, then that makes US those things! Jesus' identity is now our identity and if God is for us who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? There is no shame or condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1, John 3:18). There is only love and grace. A grace that accepts you long before you believe or behave...

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