I love the different translations of the Word of God; sometimes a look at multiple versions helps explain a passage. Galatians 6:2 is one of those verses. In the NIV, God calls us to carry the burdens of others. NLT says to share each other's burdens. The NASB and ESV say to bear one another's burdens. The Greek word for bear is bastazo and its literal translation means 'to take up'. It is the same word that is used in Luke 14:27 when God says that whoever does not 'take up' their own cross and come after me is not my disciple. The word is used as a command. We are to take up our own cross; we are also to take up the burdens of others, helping bear, carry, or share the load. Sometimes the best thing you can do while people are in their darkest moments is do things to take their mind off their problems. How many of you would have loved it if someone had just gotten you out of the house for a weekend or a night? Don't shy away from doing simple things for others. Jesus constantly showed His love to others, some were through miracles, others through compassion, and still others through serving. A kind gesture goes a long way for someone who desperately needs it.
In Pastor Steven Furtick's book "Sun Stand Still" he says, "Faith is contagious. You will be empowered when you surround yourself with people who will help to bear the burden of your Sun Stand Still prayer. They'll help you keep the vision in sight when there's nothing to see. They'll remind you of God's faithfulness when your own faith is faltering. They'll increase the effectiveness of your prayer exponentially by joining their faith with yours." In the same way, just as prayer gets stronger with more people, you get stronger through your struggles with a team. Matthew 18:20 talks about the presence and power of God when two or three are gathered in His name. There is power in numbers...there is power when we join together in Christ. How can you carry the burdens of others? How can you bless someone today?
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