Sunday, August 28, 2011


There isn't a 'religion' in the world that is based around love except those who place their faith in Christ. 1 John 3:16 tells us exactly how to know what love is and it is exactly what Jesus did for us on the cross.  Our Savior is incredible and for that fact alone we should worship Him. When you understand the importance of the cross and how loving our Heavenly Father really is, it's impossible not to worship Him and be thankful, even in our roughest moments.

I was at a Hillsong concert a couple weeks ago and was totally blown away by their ministry but I wanted to share something that hit me hard during one of their songs. I couldn't help but think about it in depth. They have a song titled Take Heart and in that song they sing, "He (Jesus) wears the scars of my freedom." Not only is it a powerful song but many things were pressed hard on my heart when they sang that lyric. Troubles will always come but we are to take heart because God has already overcome fact, He has already overcome the world (John 16:33).

The title of my blog is "The Gift Of Stauros" but you don't know what it really means. Stauros is the Greek word for cross but it paints a much more vivid picture. That word alone carries so much meaning. To be crucified meant to be shamed. It was feared. It was the most disgraceful, low, and humbling way to die. Families would shun another family member if they were to die through crucifixion. Stauros was a word so serious that people would refrain from saying it altogether. It carried so much weight to its meaning because it meant far more than just being crucified. It carried the weight of those nails piercing flesh, the spitting and cursing, the flesh ripping beatings, the mocking, the struggle, the entire grueling, tiring, and painful experience that our innocent Savior willfully went through so that we could join in His marvelous glory. Christ did not have to go through it but because He loves us so much, He took our penalty upon Himself. He wears the scars that belong to us so that we could be free. Are you willing to receive scars for Him? Are you willing to lose friends for Him? Are you willing to stand alone for Him? Have you thanked God today for not only the countless blessings we have received but also that we did not have to endure the beating of the cross? 

"The cross is not simply a crutch for defeat; it’s a trophy of victory." 

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