Thursday, January 31, 2013


During staff meeting a couple months ago, we were sharing stories of people we talked with after the service. One woman was talking about how great her experience was with our church when a lady on staff responded with a simple question. The question she asked the guest was, "Did you experience God?" The woman went on to explain the things she felt God laid on her heart. That's awesome! But that question started a trail of thoughts for me as we continued our meeting.

As I've experienced great services in other churches and the different ways that people present the Gospel, we can be sure that if people don't experience God we completely miss the point of meeting. Church is not about a spectacular event, it's about a sincere and faithful heart towards God. You impact a community when they know you care, when you present the Gospel in an authentic and raw way, and when you live with an overflowing love that expresses grace to all people. We can do amazing things to attract people but the main question remains: Do they experience God?

The catch is, the word church does not mean 'a building'. You are the church, everywhere you go. When you talk and interact with people, do you draw them closer to Christ or push them further from Him? Do people experience love through their relationship with you? Do you offer the same grace that you have received from Christ?

We can throw facts at people all day long but what they need is to experience Jesus for themselves and see His goodness. Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Well in order to taste something, you need to experience it. And once you experience the incredible grace, unconditional love, and constant pursuit from Him, you'll never be the same!

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