Thursday, October 25, 2012

Black Holes

There are a lot of books out there that say the same things in different ways. Sometimes, it is those perspectives or different ways of hearing things that finally strike the chords in our lives that cause breakthrough. In Pastor Tullian Tchividjian's book Jesus + Nothing = Everything, he says some things that really challenged me as a young youth pastor. I encourage you to get yourself a copy!

In chapter 4 titled Black Holes he says, "Our performancism leads to pride when we succeed and to despair when we fail. But ultimately it leads to slavery either way, because it becomes all about us and what we must do to establish our own identity instead of resting in Jesus...the most dangerous thing that can happen to you is that you become proud of your obedience." Our obedience proves our love for Him (John 14:15). It should be something that is natural for us as believers but rarely do we obey the FIRST time God speaks! When we do obey immediately, we begin to feel pretty good about our obedience because it doesn't happen as often or as naturally as it should. What a wake up call! Tchividjian goes on to talk about the beauty of grace by saying, "Disobedience happens not when we think too much of grace, but when we think too little of it...Progress in obedience happens only when our hearts realize that God's love for us does not depend on our progress in obedience."

Man, I've been in that place a lot before. Thinking that God loves me more when I'm obedient and the opposite when I screw up. Maybe you've thought those things too. Maybe you too have been impressed with your obedience. But that is not the Gospel. Again, grace is way more amazing when fully understood. My obedience does not gain love. My disobedience does not lose love. In terms of 'justice', we don't deserve grace but it's my understanding of grace that brings freedom. The true kind of freedom that Christianity talks about. Doctrine and theology are important but I know way too many people who know a lot of doctrine and theology but don't know who Jesus is. The law was fulfilled when Jesus said, "It is finished!" Live in His grace today because nothing you do can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:35).

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