One of the biggest lessons and challenges in Christianity is to be obedient to God even if it doesn't make sense. I do know that even when we don't understand, God has a much bigger purpose. You will one day look back and see that God had a plan all along and that the journey He took you on was building your trust in Him. The greatest thing I can do when I get discouraged or don't have clarity on an issue is to look at God's past faithfulness in my life. He always brings me through the trials and difficulties, so why do I still question Him?
God wants praise, in the great seasons of life and the tough seasons. God wants us to be an example of love, grace, and sacrifice so that people will see Him in us. David Platt says, "God blesses the human race, not because of any merit or inherent worth in us, but simply out of pure, unadulterated grace. God created humankind to enjoy his grace in a relationship with him, but also to extend his glory to the ends of the earth." The reality is, God initiates the relationship with us. We only need to respond. In that response, we have great freedom yet great responsibility to bring God glory in all in grace, while extending his glory. 1 Corinthians 5:21 says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." Jesus BECAME so that we could BECOME.
With that being said, the Lord is leading me away from Valley Church. I don't know where or why but I do know that God is in control and He had this planned from the beginning. I absolutely love the staff and they have been nothing less than family to me. I will miss you all! I love the volunteer leaders we have in the student ministry. You are all amazing and going to do incredible things for the Kingdom of God as long as you keep focused in prayer and seek after God in every area of your life. To the students: You have all impacted my own walk with God tremendously. The week of camp we had will go down as one of the greatest moments in my life. To see the Lord work in you guys throughout the week and to actually see the heart change was incredible. I'm so glad God called some of you into a relationship with Him and others of you into full time ministry or missions. You all have the ability and potential to rock a generation with the Gospel of Christ! Stay focused, stay obedient, and trust that God is in control. The journey He takes you on is so amazing and worth every tear and heartbreak...even the tough lessons you will learn. To everyone else that walked into my life here at Valley, I appreciate your kindness and love.
Sometimes our expectations don't line up or our personal preference gets in the way. Other times, God just calls you elsewhere and you don't understand the unknown questions or reasons for why He does things. The only requirement of me is obedience. God is more concerned with my obedience and character as a follower of Him than where I do ministry. The same is true for you. It's not about who leads but about following the ultimate leader, Jesus Christ. God wants all your heart. Not half, not 99%...all of it! Are you willing to give up the fancy things, the friendships, and your 'rights' to walk with Christ and obey Him in every area of your life? I can't control how people will think of me or what they will say but that's not for me to be concerned about. I don't know why God does or allows the things He does but who are we to question Him or claim to know how He works? (Isaiah 55:8-9) It just comes down to trust. I wish you all the best! I am always a phone call or Facebook message away. Much love, Cory!